Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MaiLayan!-The Difference Between Confident And Confidential

 Ahmad was at his first day in school. To make sure everything is going right, his father waited for him outside the class until he finished all his classes. The first day ran smoothly. The second day was a bit tricky. Ahmad's teacher gave the class a hard assignment.

"What is the difference between CONFIDENT and CONFIDENTIAL?" the teacher asked.

Ahmad, being a smart-alex, raised up his hand and answered.

"Confident means you are very sure about a particular matter. While confidential means something very secret, that no one but the person involved should know about the information" he said.

"Put that in sentences" said the teacher.

"I am my father's son", Ahmad said, "That is a confident statement".  

The father smiled proudly.

"Good" the teacher praised Ahmad and smiled at his father.
"My aunt's child is also father's son", Ahmad continued, "That is very confidential. He told me not to tell anyone".

Since that day, Ahmad's father never come to the school again.


Anonymous said...

omaigod..kantoi suda..

Anas Clay said...

anak dia mmg sempoi~ hahaha