Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MaiLayan!-The Fly And The Wet Pussy

 One day, a fly is hovering above the water surface of  river. Below the water is a small fish, waiting for the fly to be its meal.

The small fish thinks: "If the fly drops another 2 inches, i can reach myself to swallow it"

Behind the small fish is a big fish. It is watching them the whole time.

The big fish thinks to itself: "If the fly drops another 2 inches, the small fish can swallow it, and I can silently pounce to eat the small fish"

Watching them is a grizzly bear. It is aiming at the big fish but can never reach it.

The bear thinks: "If the fly drops another 2 inches, the small fish swallows it, and the big fish eats the small fish, I can reach myself to capture the big fish"

Behind the bush, a hunter is hiding with his gun. He has been staring at the bear for a long time.

He says: "If the fly drops 2 inches, the small fish swallows it, the big fish eats the small fish, and the bear captures the big fish, I can swiftly shoot the bear right on target"

Behind the hunter is a wild rat. It is aiming at the hunter's bread. It wants to steal it, but it is lack of courage, fearing that the hunter will notice it.
The rat thinks: "If the fly can drop 2 more inches, the small fish can swallow it, the big fish then eats the small fish, the bear will capture the big fish, then the hunter would shoot the bear. So I can steal the bread"

Behind the rat, hides a cat. It is watching the whole scene and is aiming at the rat.

The cat thinks: "If the fly drops another 2 inches, the small fish swallows it, the big fish eats the small fish, the bear captures the big fish, the hunter shoots the bear, and the rat steals the bread, I can use this chance to strike the rat and eat it!"
All of a sudden, THE FLY DROPS 2 INCHES! Quickly, the small fish jumps and swallows it. The big fish then eats the small fish. The bear reaches its hand and capture the big fish. The hunter jumps on his feet and BAAMM!!, he shoots the bear. The rat takes this chance to steals the bread. 

Upon seeing this, the cat jumps out from the bush and pounces on the rat. However, the jumping is a bit too powerful. The cat flies over the rat, passes over the hunter's shoulder, and WHOOSHHH!!, the cat is thrown into the river.


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