Tuesday, March 8, 2011

MaiLayan!-9 Scientific Answers For Your Lecturer


Science is among the most powerful things that change the world. So, when your lecturer ask you why did you sleep in his classes, use Science to answer him:

1. "Gravity pulls my head down everytime I sit..."

2. "When your brainwave frequencies descend from relaxed alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) to dreamy theta waves (4 to 7 Hz). You begin to lose muscle tone, causing twitches and hypnic jerks.You have hypnagogic hallucination and lose self awareness. Later you fall asleep. Its  not my fault, it's science.."

3. "Newton's first law of motion proposes the concept of Inertia. Inertia is the tendency of a body to remain at rest, or if moving, to continue its motion. I agree with the first part."

4. "I was not sleeping. It's just that my body is in equilibrium state"

5. "Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy can only be transformed. That's what I'm doing... transforming it into potential energy"

6. "Did you know.. bats sleep 20 hours a day?"

7. "The sleep cycles are controlled by the Circadian clock. This is an internal timekeeping device that the human brain uses to control body temperature and release neurotransmitters at the right time. I think someone stole my Circadian clock last night."

8. "Occipital Lobe is the part of the brain that controls our sight. I was testing yours.."

9. "The book says sleeping improves digesting. I was digesting your calculation methods.."

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